I was awake really early today. I couldn't sleep. I had a few things on my mind, a few things on my shoulders and a few things on my heart and I just couldn't seem to shake any of them off. This WordPress thing is really bothering me. I enjoy WP a lot but what's the point if it won't let me in to my own account? I dunno. It's something to do with my computer actually. I can access WP from my mom's house, just not mine. Pointless. I don't really want to switch back to blogger, but at least blogger is consistent. I can't take this not working for a week out of each month. O-well. It's just blogging right?
I like new beginnings. In fact, you could even say that I enjoy them. Yes, I quite enjoy new beginnings. I enjoy Monday mornings, a new month, a new season, a new book (a good read or an empty journal), a freshly cleaned home, a new project, a new skill...the list goes on and on. I'm sure you can understand why I enjoy a clean slate; so many possibilities, new horizons, new adventures, new thoughts. One has the opportunity to commit, to move on, to change, to adjust, to advance. Obviously all of these things can be done at any given opportunity; you don't have to wait for a brand new journal in order for you to write your thoughts down, but when you've got that brand new journal in your hands and you see all of the blank lines and feel that crispness of the pages...by golly, it just stirs something in me. And if I feel that way about a Monday morning I'm sure you can just imagine the excitement I feel over a new year...nay, a new decade! Oh my.
I am excited about this year and this new beginning, glad to be putting 2009 behind me and starting fresh in a few areas. Personally, I've always enjoyed a good New Years resolution or two so naturally I started assessing myself a few weeks ago to see if I couldn't come up with a few things that could be done better/differently/more often/not at all in 2010. The first thing was quite obvious and required very little effort on my part to come up with...I guess we could say that it was just staring me in the face.
1) To harness the song writing abilities of Tom Waits, Matt Good, Feist and Sarah Harmer, combine them all to form a strange new genre of music and become a singing sensation. Easily done. I should have that mastered by February 12th. Easy peasy.
The others were a bit more difficult to come up with because, well, there just isn't that much I need to work on. Hey, I'm 26...I've got life figured out already! (haha...ha...ha...ugh).
2) Continue, with a little more vigor, to become a tidier/more organized person.
3) Try harder to stick to my meal plan. Life is just soooo much easier when I'm on it.
4) Be more creative. Now I know this one is a bit weird because I'm already crafty but I'm a much happier and calm person when I flex my creative muscle and I need to be more intentional doing it.
5) Try my hand at more garment construction. I think that I just need to jump in with both feet on this one. I've been shying away from sewing technical clothing for fear of failure *side note: this is quite common with me. actually, it affects pretty much every aspect of my life. i'm what they call a self-sabotager (that's not a real word btw). i tend to cripple myself.* but the more I sew the more I'm going to understand the technical side of things, so I just need to do it!
And that's all. I have a few others, you know, the common ones that most people make so I'll just keep them to myself. The problem that I face when I get excited about new beginnings is that I get my hopes up. I start thinking, "Maybe this will be the year that_____(fill in the blank)." I try not to but I think it's just how I'm wired. I'm like that with almost everything. I've tried to keep my New Year's resolutions simple and straight forward (except for that first one, I'm really shooting for the moon on that one), kind-of adding to the things that I'm already doing. They aren't much of a stretch and they seem fairly attainable to me.
Anyways, that's all for now. Sorry about the switching back and forth between blog hosts. If I can get WP working for good on my computer then I'll probably stay over there, but for now we're back over here. Hope you all had a great holiday and a happy new year!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
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one great quote...
"whenever i get gloomy with the state of the world, i think of the arrivals gate at heathrow airport. general opinion makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, i don't see that. seems to me that love is everywhere. often it's not articularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there. fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. when the planes hit the twin towers, i have reason to believe that none of the calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love. if you look for it, i've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." -Love Actually
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I've had my iPad recompense yon 2 months moment and I'm letting the cat out of the bag you, Steve jobs certainly has his technique of converting people to be a Mac/Apple fan. I own the iPad without 3G because I didn't scarcity to entertain to pay for a supplemental line in rank to come to an understanding a arise the micro SIM card. So I've kinda just lived with my iPad only where there's wifi connection. Which are aplenty anyway at Starbucks, Mcdonalds, and the libraries. This was before my chum introduced me to a great way thither this pretty pickle -- a 3G wifi router AP that supports GPRS, GSM, WCDMA, HSUPA, HSDPA, UMT and WORK ONE'S WAY!
I purchased the [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-16971-Huawei+E5830+3G+WiFi+Router+AP+%28WCDMAHSUPAHSDPAUMTEDGEGPRSGSM%29.html]Huawei E5830 3G WiFi Router AP (WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA/UMT/EDGE/GPRS/GSM)[/url] from DealtoWorld.com, in the Networking group, underneath my alter ego's commendation, and I believe he gets points or commission from my pay for, since he's a DealtoWorld.com affiliate. The router AP is tremendously portable, lightweight and convenient. So these days I can connect to wifi anywhere with mp iPad! I no longer call to go over on a trip and not up to par for a wifi AP at cafes etc. Nor pay out so much of my notes on caffeine overdose at Starbucks and other cafes. Moreover, the 3G Wifi Router AP supports pretty much all the bandwidths -- GPRS,GSM,WCDMA,HSUPA,HSDPA,UMT,EDGE. Take a look at pictures I've uploaded of the Huawei 3G WiFi router that has made my fixation so much easier, and is promoting a healthier caffeine-free lifestyle. It proves that a geek lifestyle does not necessarily bear to undertake keeping in boost with coffee.
And to think I was taking into consideration paying extra to upgrade to the iPad that supports 3G! I'm so keen that that's not predetermined anymore with this 3G wifi router AP. I can right-minded connect to the internet wherever I am with the Huawei 3G Wifi Router, as extensive as there is signal. This is not a technology thingumajig per se, but it has certainly made my life plainly more efficacious! Moreover, I'm masterly to lay my spondulix that I would mostly disburse on Starbucks, McCafe, and other cafes with wifi! Which, by the conduct, makes me query whether it's a ploy nigh Steve Jobs, to have launched the 3G iPad interpretation no greater than much later, so that wifi cafes can enjoy lavishness of trade from iPad wifi version. But I digress.
The 3G WiFi router AP I bought from [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] would possibly also be able to authorize to me download and caper approximately with my apps on my iTouch, granted I haven't tried it yet. Shouldn't be a refractory I should think. This $100+ may be the crush rolling in it I've used up since it enables me to entertain a variety of WiFi core wherever I am. If I was more entrepreneurial, I can even start charging other geeks at cafes without WiFi inasmuch as oblation access to them. I'm steadfast I can without doubt pocket back the $100 this progressing! Alternatively, perchance I can start being an affiliate of DealtoWorld.com too, since I'm starting to allow more gadgets and tools there, and have been spreading brief conversation round to my family and friends. Into the bargain, Christmas is coming in less than 2 months' continually, and I contemplate this Huawei 3G WiFi router would present a awesome grant as a replacement for innumerable of my tech geek friends. I'm satisfied they'll also appreciate how sleek and bold the router looks!
Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at briacolleen.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
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