Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hallowe'en was tons of fun this year! I was a little bit frazzled the whole day due to baking and cleaning from the moment my eyes opened, but hey, I've got a clean house now (well worth it). James had a bunch of guys over for a poker night so I spent the majority of the day getting ready for that (sometimes I wonder why I clean when it's just guys coming over because I'm sure they really don't care...).

Later in the evening we took the kids out Trick or Treating and Rhys had such a blast seeing all of the other kids and getting so much candy that he could hardly lift his bag. I think that while we were out we missed all of the cute little kids that came by our house because by the time we got back to hand out candy it was basically kids that were old enough to have a job to buy their own candy. O-well, if that candy stays in my house I just end up eating all of it in one sitting then getting sick to my stomach while experiencing a massive breakout and a minor panic attack that my thighs are going to expand even more.

When all of the guys showed up I got kicked out of my house, which was just as well...who wants to stick around to listen to tool/hunting mumbo-jumbo for the umpteenth time that week? Not I. My friend Christina and I went to Club Regent and played Bingo with all of the 50+ Bingo-bopping addicts. We had no idea what we were doing (who thought Bingo could be that complicated) which became clear to all of those around us and even to the Bingo supervisor who decided to make frequent visits to our table to 'check-up' on us. On the way to Bingo Christina and I repeatedly told each other how unlucky we were at winning things but it will be fun anyways. Well, apparently the tables turned because we both ended up winning money which made it a free evening of Bingo fun! We want to make it a monthly adventure...heck, maybe we could even make friends with the two ladies that kept on pointing out that we were bopping on the wrong sheets. We laughed very hard and felt very accomplished by the end of the evening.

The only thing that I would have done differently for Hallowe'en would have been to dress-up; apparently I was too busy thinking about getting the kids and the house together that I didn't even think about a costume for myself. Delbert dressed up though...he pretended to be a Hair Lume (Heirloom Custom Cabinet is where James works) installer and I will leave you with a disturbing picture of his crafty get-up...


Roo said...

that bingo story is hilarious. !! and that photo at the end of your just wow! :)

marklar said...

delbert is one sexy beast.
and good jobs on the kids...priceless!

JuliaD said...

i want to play bingo!!!!!!! and i mean the complicated kind. definitely never knew bingo could be hard. lol.
that pic will go down in history. not sure as what...but it will!
p.s. did you make amelia's crown? cuz it's SUPER cute!!!

one great quote...

"whenever i get gloomy with the state of the world, i think of the arrivals gate at heathrow airport. general opinion makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, i don't see that. seems to me that love is everywhere. often it's not articularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there. fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. when the planes hit the twin towers, i have reason to believe that none of the calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love. if you look for it, i've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." -Love Actually