Bria's Tips For Surviving Bouts of Depression:
(James is working like crazy and I find when he's gone a lot I'm more susceptible to pits of emotion and despair. So I'm compiling a list of things to consider or do so I can refer back to it when I'm feel a little blue. I'm open to any and all suggestions with what works for everyone else.)
- Pray every 5 seconds for P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E. and Joy.
- Make the bed when you wake up.
- Have a good bowel movement in the morning...the world will become a better place instantly.
- Start the morning with tea, not coffee. Healthier.
- Make yourself presentable by 9:30. It will foster some good ol' self esteem (and when I happen to look in the mirror I won't think someone is back from the dead).
- Bake something before noon. It's hard to be depressed when somethings baking in the oven.
- Work on a painting. Creativity = Therapy
- If the house is messy, CLEAN IT! As stated in previous posts, my attitude is often a direct result of my living environment.
- Call someone to chat. Talking to toddlers all day long is enough to make anyone go crazy.
- Make another cup of tea and read a book.
- Take out the garbage. For some reason this always makes me feel wonderful.
- If horribly tired and cranky, have a nap.
- If having a pitty party, don't have a nap.
- Sew something cute. Possibly another monster hat.
- Play all of my favorite hiphop songs and dance around the house with the kids. This never fails to lift my spirits considering dancing toddlers are one of the cutest things on the planet (and my toddlers particularily enjoy busting-a-move to Madonna's '4 minutes').
i can identify with nearly each one of your suggestions.
what iwould also add (which i have known to work for me) .....go for a walk. even and especially when it is freezing cold. the cold temp seems to freeze the sad cells and my mood instantly lightens.
I find when I am low in Vitamin D,I can get down very fast.So either take extra Vit. D(which anyone living in Canada should anyway)or sit in front of a very sunny spot in your home for a mininmum of 15 minutes.
drink yerba!
i got nothing else to offer the realm of motherhood (weird, eh?)
um...i'm fairly certain you LAUGHED at me for buying Madonna's last cd... :D
when i feel sad or depressed i just need to get my hands on the biggest project that i've been meaning to do for the longest amount of time. the sense of accomplishment afterward is enough to raise my spirits for at LEAST a full 24 hours... :)
and mark, i'm pretty sure it's yerba that SENDS the NORMAL members of the human race into deep dark spirals of depression.
ooh ooh ooh. i thought of another one! take a bath and shave your legs! shaving my legs always makes me feel better. mmmm. smooth.
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