I often stop by Chronicles Of Blunderview to have a peek and see what's going on. Today, during my visit, I was tagged to do a 16 Things post (you get tagged when you read the post). You are in no way, shape, or form REQUIRED to do one of your own, but I figured I was up for it. Here we go:
- I absolutely hate ferrets. I find them to be unbelievably hideous and vile.
- I used to have (6 years ago) a pet Blue Lobster. I named her Lola and for some reason I would put my face right up to her bowl and yell her name...all of the time. Maybe that's what killed her. She was cute.
- Laundry is one of my least favorite things to do in the entire world.
- I've been eating insanely well for the past week and a half. I can usually stuff a box of candy, a few chocolate bars, a big glass of pop, and other various snacks into one movie viewing. Now I can hardly eat a square of dark chocolate and I'm quite amused by this fact.
- I'm somewhat embarrassed by how many craft supplies I have in my possession.
- I don't know how it happens, but I always have a house full of useless and unwanted junk. I purge and purge and purge but it's like all of the junk is breeding like horny rabbits in my spare bedroom while I'm not looking! Can I call exterminators for this problem?
- When I was little my brother, sister and I would sing a three part 'In The Jungle' for anyone willing to give us a few moments of their time. We were geeky and rich...what else were we supposed to be doing with our time?
- I was on the receiving end of two marriage proposals during my time with YWAM. *james just read my post and informed me that he too proposed while I was with YWAM (i don't know why i forgot that one), so the number goes up to three.
- Sugar Snap Peas are one of my favorite snacks.
- When I get overly frustrated my head starts to get itchy. This is a subconscious quirk on my part but has become a very useful tool for James.
- Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week because Thursdays are flyer days. Information from the Outside World is always good...even in flyer form.
- I have a hard time thinking that what I do is good enough. I just finished a rough copy and illustration concept for my second children's book but have a hard time getting past my negative thought pattern for it to actually go anywhere.
- Photography is my favorite art form and I wish that I had more time/resources so I could further expand my understanding/use of it.
- I want a cup of coffee.
- James and I have always wanted to open up a design store. My husband has impeccable taste and when we put our heads together we become design superheros. I've always wanted to call it 'Erskine House Of Design'.
- One of my favorite things in life is going into the kids room when they're sleeping and just looking at them. Mainly because they aren't a blur, running circles around me screaming at the top of their lungs. I can actually see their faces. So peaceful and precious.
There you go! I hope you learnt something new about me today!
good going, Bria! I'm having one of those long winter days when I keep checking my laptop for a message from the outside world... anyone? anyone? So, I'm so glad you decided to play.
Now, You'll have to put up with a conversation from me. you'd take a lobster but not a ferret?! Ferrets are weird and creepy with teeth, but at least they have fur. I'm just sayin.
Are you pregnant, or what's with laying off the good food during movie watching?! (Not a real question. Please ignore.)
I don't even have a spare bedroom, and I have horny rabbits. They breed pillows and stuffed toys and dishes, among many other things.
two marriage proposals?! I bow at thine feet!
Snap peas. yup. better than chips any day, but waaay more expensive.
I know what you mean about flyers. WE're being all mature now and declining flyers, but sometimes I snitch one or two out of the bin at the post office...
children's book????!!!! Hats off, baby! Do it. Put it on a list and get on with it.
coffee. always. I keep hoping i'll turn into one of those people who obsessively drinks water and green tea. But no.
Thanks, Bria!
i love ferrets. almost had a pet one for the drop-in. missed it by that much.
i remember james' original proposal quite well. my respose his move was quite dishonorable considering the fact that you actually said yes eventually :) james is a stubborn dude and it served him well.
i say name your store "House of Design for Erskine" has a better ring to it :)
mark you perv
i don't know what you're talking about
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