Over the past little while I've been noticing how much my son is changing. Part of me wants to hold onto his baby/toddler side, but there's no stopping it, he's growing up and there's nothing I can do about it. Of course I'd like to slow it down for practical reasons; not as much clothes shopping (he's not yet 4 and he's in a size 11 shoe), not as much grocery shopping, not as many questions to answer (which are becoming more and more complex), but the growth in body and mind is inevitable and I suppose I should embrace my ever changing son for who he is right now. However, I must say that having to make a peanut butter sandwich after every meal to temporarily appease his insatiable appetite is a bit much...but I'll have to get used to it since he is James' son after all. More often than not James will have dinner, then second dinner, then a snack and possibly some dessert thrown in there. If Rhys skyrockets over six feet (which we, along with our pediatrician, are expecting) than this is just a taste of things to come. On the up side I have been enjoying some of the deeper conversations that I've been able to have with my son. Things like, "Why are there good guys and bad guys?" and "How can God be everywhere and still right beside me?"...it's interesting to see his developing mind begin to think in spiritual terms. Like the other day when Rhys asked me to watch Curious George with him, I said that I couldn't for some reason or another and he quickly responded, "Well, I think that God wants to watch Curious George with me!" I'm sure He does son. I'm also starting to think about his fourth birthday, which is almost one month away, and I've already been told who to invite and everything he wants (which included cowboy boots and a periscope)...such a change from last year. I hope to cherish all of these moments with my boy as much as possible since this is his last year at home. Yes people, my boy is going to be heading off to school next year (and I'm sure that I'll write a frantic-mother blog when we come to that bridge). It's hard to imagine that I'll be shopping for school clothes and school supplies this time next year. I wonder how many peanut butter sandwiches I'll have to pack in his lunches? Crazy.
1 comment:
That's awesome that he exploring his spirituality! I love that. It shows that he's wanting to grow closer to God (although he might not see it as that way.)
Regarding Rhys going to school, I don't know if I can say anything to help you. All I can do is pray that this will go smoothly when the time comes. Which I will. I'm sure it will go smoothly, if you give it up to God.
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