This afternoon, as I was brewing myself a cup of well deserved coffee, I started thinking about things that I enjoy. There are many special things that put a smile on my face so I decided to share a few...
*the smell of the peonies in my garden
*baking for people
*when my kids run around the sprinkler screaming
*when i've read a book and feel sad that it's over
*partaking in some wine drinking
*finding time during my day to be a little bit creative
*listening to Scott Nolan
*listening to Blue Grass
*buying my little girl a big ice cream cone, because that's when her smile is the biggest
*eating strawberries fresh from my garden
*having those moments when i realize that i AM actually good at something
*drinking coffee
*having a bon fire with my wonderful friend Jen, especially when it's accompanied by a big bowl of fresh fruit, a can of whipping cream, a bottle of wine, and two packages of Tim Tams (and talking looong into the night)
*seeing how creative other people can be
*taking 32 pictures of something and getting that 'gem' i was hoping for
what do you enjoy?