1. Upcyle my shirt (see previous post).
2. Go to the Walk-In Clinic and wait for 2.5 hours to see a doctor for 5 seconds.
3. Take the kids to the park.
5. Read 6 McLean's magazines (I happen to really enjoy this magazine and if anyone would like to bless me with a subscription for my birthday {Oct.13th} I would promise to love you forever).
6. Convince Rhys to get a haircut.
7. Prep the kitchen for James to paint it.
8. Visit the local thrift store and buy a bunch of fabric, a table runner, two tank tops and a whole pile of children's books for $4.
9. Exercise 5 times.
10. Take the kids to play with their cousin's on two occasions.
11. Keep a way tidier house.
12. Successfully take care of three toddlers (meaning that they actually get fed and their bums actually get changed).
13. Overall feel like a better more useful human being.
7. Prep the kitchen for James to paint it.
9. Exercise 5 times.
10. Take the kids to play with their cousin's on two occasions.
11. Keep a way tidier house.
12. Successfully take care of three toddlers (meaning that they actually get fed and their bums actually get changed).
13. Overall feel like a better more useful human being.
I say, you have been one busy lady. I have said it from the beginning, and i'll say it again, Facebook is evil. There i got that out of the way. Kuddos to you for staying away from facebook for a week. I know people who can't last a few hours away. Never go on to facebook again and i'll truly be impressed.
buy i liked his hair...
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