James and I just watched the movie 'The Bucket List' starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman (two actors that I LOVE). It was a cute movie about two men who are given 1 year to live and decided to make the most of it by accomplishing certain things before they die. I highly suggest seeing it if to laugh at the crusty character played by Mr. Nicholson. I had started a list on Facebook (awhile back) of things that I'd like to do before I die...I actually give this list a lot of thought fairly frequently. I want to make the most of my life and try to live each day and opportunity to it's fullest. So, I've transferred and updated my version of 'The Bucket List'.
- Get a degree of some sort
- Go Skydiving
- Go White Water Rafting
- Hold and play with a Chimpanzee
- Travel to Europe, Africa, Asia (and as many countries as I can fit in)
- Learn to be a Successful Gardener
- Learn another language and speak it fluently
- Learn how to scuba dive and visit a wreck site
- Have dreads
- Learn how to do stain glass work
- Fly an airplane
- Be on stage in an actual play
- Publish a children's book
- Record a CD/song
- Attend a Coldplay concert
- Climb a mountain
- See the polar bears before they're all dead
- Learn how to sail a boat...well.
- Take a dance class
- Get a few MORE tattoo's
- Attend a runway fashion show
- Go to New York
- Learn how to knit
- Take James to see the Ocean....
There's a lot more but I'll save them for another post. Feel free to let me know what you would like to accomplish, even if it's just a few things, I would love to hear about them.
I like your list, Bria. Ok, here's my bucket list (incomplete and off the top of my head):
- Swim with a bunch of dolphins.
- Do some missionary work (wherever).
- See Pearl Jam live.
- Take my mountian bike to Europe and just ride all over the place for awhile.
- Experience zero gravity and take a picture of the earth from space.
- Write a book.
- Re-learn how to speak French (I've forgotten most of what I learned in high school).
- Visit all 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada.
- Perform live with a band and record a CD.
- Preach a sermon.
- Go scuba diving and see the Great Barrier Reef.
- Visit Israel
- And, of course, raise a family and live vicariously through my children as I pressure them to accomplish all the above dreams I never did.
bri, if you get to attend a fashion show i had BETTER be the person you're going with!!!!!!!!!!! wooo. that would be sweet.
were you crazy mad when you found out about coldplay not coming to winnipeg all of a sudden?
i actually can't put my own personal bucket list up here because i really don't have one. i hope to just take the opportunities that come to me. it's not that i don't have dreams, i just don't place much stock in having a list for myself because i figure there'd be things on it i'll probably never get to do, but there would be other things i would never even dream of that i WILL get to do. so i'm just going to leave it at that. :)
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