Friday, June 13, 2008

bria's bucket list.

James and I just watched the movie 'The Bucket List' starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman (two actors that I LOVE). It was a cute movie about two men who are given 1 year to live and decided to make the most of it by accomplishing certain things before they die. I highly suggest seeing it if to laugh at the crusty character played by Mr. Nicholson. I had started a list on Facebook (awhile back) of things that I'd like to do before I die...I actually give this list a lot of thought fairly frequently. I want to make the most of my life and try to live each day and opportunity to it's fullest. So, I've transferred and updated my version of 'The Bucket List'.

  • Get a degree of some sort

  • Go Skydiving

  • Go White Water Rafting
  • Hold and play with a Chimpanzee

  • Travel to Europe, Africa, Asia (and as many countries as I can fit in)

  • Learn to be a Successful Gardener

  • Learn another language and speak it fluently

  • Learn how to scuba dive and visit a wreck site

  • Have dreads

  • Learn how to do stain glass work

  • Fly an airplane

  • Be on stage in an actual play

  • Publish a children's book

  • Record a CD/song

  • Attend a Coldplay concert

  • Climb a mountain

  • See the polar bears before they're all dead

  • Learn how to sail a boat...well.

  • Take a dance class

  • Get a few MORE tattoo's

  • Attend a runway fashion show

  • Go to New York

  • Learn how to knit

  • Take James to see the Ocean....

There's a lot more but I'll save them for another post. Feel free to let me know what you would like to accomplish, even if it's just a few things, I would love to hear about them.


Jordan said...

I like your list, Bria. Ok, here's my bucket list (incomplete and off the top of my head):

- Swim with a bunch of dolphins.
- Do some missionary work (wherever).
- See Pearl Jam live.
- Take my mountian bike to Europe and just ride all over the place for awhile.
- Experience zero gravity and take a picture of the earth from space.
- Write a book.
- Re-learn how to speak French (I've forgotten most of what I learned in high school).
- Visit all 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada.
- Perform live with a band and record a CD.
- Preach a sermon.
- Go scuba diving and see the Great Barrier Reef.
- Visit Israel
- And, of course, raise a family and live vicariously through my children as I pressure them to accomplish all the above dreams I never did.

JuliaD said...

bri, if you get to attend a fashion show i had BETTER be the person you're going with!!!!!!!!!!! wooo. that would be sweet.
were you crazy mad when you found out about coldplay not coming to winnipeg all of a sudden?
i actually can't put my own personal bucket list up here because i really don't have one. i hope to just take the opportunities that come to me. it's not that i don't have dreams, i just don't place much stock in having a list for myself because i figure there'd be things on it i'll probably never get to do, but there would be other things i would never even dream of that i WILL get to do. so i'm just going to leave it at that. :)

one great quote...

"whenever i get gloomy with the state of the world, i think of the arrivals gate at heathrow airport. general opinion makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, i don't see that. seems to me that love is everywhere. often it's not articularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there. fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. when the planes hit the twin towers, i have reason to believe that none of the calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love. if you look for it, i've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." -Love Actually