Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the Erskine clan.

I may offend some people with this post, I don't mean to directly offend anyone...and I'm sorry if you are.

I've been wanting to get some family pictures done. Rhys is almost 3 and Amelia is almost 1 and I thought that it would be a good time to do some. I think that I have about 2 pictures of us 4 where we are all looking at the camera. It would be nice to have a few to look back at when I'm 80.

We were at St. Vital park on Sunday for an early Fathers Day BBQ for Moe. It was such a beautiful day and we were having so much fun playing catch and running around. I decided to spring the dreaded 'Family Photo' session on James. You see, neither James nor I like family pictures. They end up being so cheesy and fake. I don't care how they are done, taken, posed...I just plain-ol' don't like them. They aren't me and they aren't my personality. I know a lot of people like them and I get the end product handed to me or sent in the mail. I don't mind that...it's not me in the picture. I'll tell you this though, it won't be framed and hanging on my wall. It will be one of the few things on my fridge for a short time and then it will get filed away or scrapbooked. I also don't mind taking my children and getting some done for significant stages (however, they have to be separate and few and far between). No, family photo's are just not my thing. James is very happy about this fact because he shares the same motivations as I do regarding the 'fakeness' aspect. So, I decided to spring it on him and get it over and done with as quickly as possible. I may end up getting some more done in the fall by a photographer friend (candid and in a park without matching clothes) because Amelia will be walking by then. I've posted my favorite of all of them...the one that most people would not choose I'm sure. Enjoy...this is the Erskine Clan.


JuliaD said...

I love the pics that you showed me on Sunday, Bri. There were some really neat ones. That's one good-lookin family.

Jordan said...

I like that shot of your family, it lets your personalities show through the picture. You have some cute kids for sure. And there's nothing better than playing catch in the park on a sunny afternoon.

I've never been a fan of posing for pictures either. One of the only family photos of my family that I like is one taken about 8 years ago. We are all throwing leaves in the air and it just looks fun. I suggested it to the photographer on the spot and it turned out to be one of the only pictures of my family that I like!

Roo said...

LOVE this family photo.

and i'm with you. i prefer the live-action-in -the-moment type of photo set ups.

joyce said...

amen, amen, and amen.

one great quote...

"whenever i get gloomy with the state of the world, i think of the arrivals gate at heathrow airport. general opinion makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, i don't see that. seems to me that love is everywhere. often it's not articularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there. fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. when the planes hit the twin towers, i have reason to believe that none of the calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love. if you look for it, i've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." -Love Actually