Wednesday, July 30, 2008
this & that
Friday, July 25, 2008
happy birthday little girl.
Who else can cause you more grief, joy, irritation, satisfaction, embarrassment, and genuine delight than this combination of Eve, Salome, and Florence Nightingale? She can muss up your home, your hair, and your dignity-spend your money, your time, and your temper-then just when your patience is ready to crack, her sunshine peeks through and you've lost again."
Amelia Kate - 1 year
Happy Birthday Little Girl! I love you sooooo much...even your upside down soother.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
I love Garbage Day! You get to gather all of your trash, bundle it up in a big bag, throw it in the back lane and watch as someone else hauls it away...gone, vam-oosh, out of your life! I love it! Now, if only everything else could be like that. If only I could walk around with a big garbage bag and say goodbye to the mess, the dishes, the laundry, the wet towels, the toys, the Kleenex, the dusting, the clothes. BAG IT! HAUL IT! BE GONE! Just let someone else deal with it. If only my one responsibility was to bag things.
I try very hard to be a clean person. As the saying goes, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." I'm starting to believe that. My mother-in-law once told me that she had always wanted to write a book entitled, "The World Is A Better Place When The Toilet Bowl Is Clean." Being clean doesn't come naturally to me...being a total slob doesn't either. I find I'm somewhere in the middle and I would most likely be okay with that if I didn't have a husband and two kids who are a little closer to the 'slob' side. I love them, but MAN this place can get MESSY! For a long time I would just get annoyed about the mess that seemed to grow bigger and bigger every time I tried to tackle it. Then I read a book. A good book called, "How to live with a Messie". It helped me see that I need to tackle myself and myself alone. I do need to teach my kids to be clean, but other than that I can only improve my own habits. I also started to notice that mess really affects my mood. If I don't keep the house tidy I WILL be a bitch. And that's a scientific fact! So now I try very very very hard to be clean. There are days where I fail horribly, weeks even. I would say my biggest hurdle is the laundry. So much laundry in such little time. That and I forget. A whole day will go by before I think to myself, "Gee, that washing machine must be finished sometime soon!" Or I'll wake up to James asking, " I have any pants to wear today?" in which I promptly reply, "Probably not"...sad. I am trying and I have come a long way. But, I should be cleaning right now. Bye.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
decaf won't do...i need an intervention.
I hate to say it, but I'm addicted to coffee. Horribly addicted. Horribly. I love it! I love the smell, the taste, the cup, the process, the sipping, the nurturing, the ritual, the anticipation...yes, obsessed.
I started drinking coffee at a very young age, in fact I can't remember a time that I didn't drink it. It's always been there to relax with. Coffee has been consistent during periods of upheaval. Coffee is always present during times of deep conversation with friends. Coffee is dependable!
I first started sensing something was off when I started getting excited to go to bed just so that I could wake up to have my morning coffee. Odd. I also realized I had issues when I could consume copious amounts of the drink and still crave more. It's music to my ears when someone offers a coffee and it's candy to my eyes to see a Tim Horton's sign.
No, decaf just wont do...I need an intervention. In my attempt to simplify I've decided to walk away from my life long friend for a little while. I don't feel healthy being so addicted to a little drink. Like I've said before, I need to de-clutter and make room for the Lord to speak. Some may wonder what the heck drinking coffee has to do with hearing God but I know that it will be good for me on many levels. I'll try not to cry too much.
As poorly written as it is, I HAVE to include a poem that I wrote in Jr. High because it's just so fitting. It shows just how obsessed I am. Enjoy.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
amelia kate.
My life, a year ago, was horribly stressed. James and I were looking for a place to live in the city because we had to be out of our house in Niverville by August 1st. We couldn't afford to buy a place so renting was the only option. I called so many apartments hoping that each one would take us. *We were desperate and I was worried.* A number of landlords said 'no' over the phone when they learnt we had kids. *This infuriated me. I wanted to slap them in the face.* As I crossed off each day in my planner it got closer and closer to the box that held a big 'BABY IS DUE!' exclamation. I had been excited for Amelia but to be honest, it was off and on. So much happened that I wasn't expecting...for months I had wrestled with God wondering why He had given us another child in such an unstable home. It hurt. I could feel my relationship with God slipping away. It hurt some more.
After going through a sort-of postpartum depression after I had Rhys I was very hesitant to have our next baby and go through that again. This was part of my motivation for going on anti-depressants before I had her. I wanted to ward off the baby blues as much as I could. I had to pack-up my home, move my family, be my sisters maid-of-honor (three weeks after my due date) and somehow look after an infant (and a toddler)...and I was already stressed to begin with. It was just too much.
In preparing myself for a new baby and labour I tried to take on the 'whatever happens happens' attitude that I had held onto with Rhys. I tried to tell others that it was what I felt. Truth is, it wasn't. In my heart of hearts I had prayed and prayed that it would be a little girl, that my labour would be fast, that I wouldn't go past my due date, that I would give birth during the day, that I wouldn't need drugs, that she would be cuddly, that she would sleep insanely well, and on and on and on. I had prayed for so many specific things that I felt silly and quite dumb.
On July 25th, which was my due date, *our landlords had given us an extra month to stay in the house* I woke up in the morning and found that I had some fairly consistent contractions. I called my mom and she drove out to Niverville to take care of Rhys. James and I headed for Steinbach hoping we would only have to make one trip. Other than having to walk through the mall for an hour as the hospital prepared a room for me the labour went incredibly well. It was everything that I had been hoping and praying was still horribly painful but that was fine with me. As they placed the baby on my tummy and announced that it was a little girl I felt overcome with emotion. It was crazy, it was weird, it was wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better labour and I couldn't have asked for a better baby. Amelia is a cuddle bug and she (from the DAY she was born) only woke up once a night to eat and would sleep soundly the rest of the time.
A few weeks after she was born it dawned on me that God had been more than faithful. I know that we don't always get what we pray for and we rarely know what's best for us but in my heart I realized that this whole package of Amelia was a blessing for me and my relationship with Him. It felt like God was trying to show me that He is beside me and always listening. I hope this makes sense.
With all of that said, I feel a bit sad to be moving on from Amelia's baby stage. On the other hand I'm excited to see if Amelia is as odd as her brother *which I'm sure she will be*.
Amelia Kate - 12 months (almost)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Julia, oh Julia, where for art thou Julia?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
and now for something completely different

Or should I do this?

Either way, I wish I could do this!