Sunday, August 3, 2008

changing colours.

No more pink and purple! YAY! We have a normal looking house now! The city should pay us for making Winnipeg a more beautiful place. The front door is still getting painted red and we still have to give the trim a fresh coat of white but I think it's coming together quite nicely.


Jordan said...

Nooooo! I can't make fun of your pink house anymore! And what if I need to locate your house in a snowstorm!? It will not glow in the dark like it did before! Plus, now your neighbour's messy yard will look even worse compared to your classy paint scheme!

Oh well, it does look better in this colour. I like that pic of James sitting back and enjoying the new paint.

P.S. I recommend putting in one of those round Hobbit-style front doors like Bilbo has. Very cool.

JuliaD said...

o bria it's so beautiful. i will miss the pinkness, tho. don't rightly know why. plus it won't be nearly as easy to find your house anymore. :)
it looks awesome. yay! finally! you've been waiting for it, i know.

Roo said...

beautious! you have a really cool house. it looks like it has lots of character. those are my favorite kinds of housies. housies?

one great quote...

"whenever i get gloomy with the state of the world, i think of the arrivals gate at heathrow airport. general opinion makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, i don't see that. seems to me that love is everywhere. often it's not articularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there. fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. when the planes hit the twin towers, i have reason to believe that none of the calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love. if you look for it, i've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." -Love Actually