Ice cream cone #1Me, enjoying some strawberry ice cream with strawberry coulis on top. Yum.
Ice cream cone #2
Ammie with her new best friend (not sure why, but Ammie is IN LOVE with cats!)
New heels.
Ammie is going to be moving into a big bed and getting her soother taken away soon, I can't wrap my mind around how fast these past two years have gone by! Some days it feels like someone broke into our house in the middle of the night and replaced my baby with an overgrown two year old. I might just have an emotional mommy moment when we take the crib apart.
On a stranger note, Amelia got a toy from her Grandma that can be used for pretty much whatever the kid wants (I'm thinking salad bowl) and Rhys has taken a liking to it...along with his uncle Garrett.
AWESOME PARTY BRIA! Awesome pics too. I love the last pic.
Isn't it weird though, we can't wait to grow up, or for somebody to grow up. Like how a parent wants their child to start talking, or, when a teenager can't wait to be 18, and than we want those certain stages back when we're older?
what? did I just read "out of the baby years...FOR NOW". Hello? Is BRIA out there? Who hi-jacked her blog???
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