Friday, October 23, 2009
goodbye blogger.
So...I hope to see you over there and if I end-up hating Wordpress then I'll see you back over here:)
Take Care.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Bob The Builder.
James had this fab idea of taking one of our under-the-bed bins and filling it with play sand for the kids. idea ever. They've already spent hours just sitting there and playing, and apparently singing. Too cute. (sorry for the bad quality of video, my camera was in a bad mood)
things i was able to pack into the 24 hours without the kids.
Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to come up with words to describe these past five years of my life. They've been crazy years full of things that I never imagined would happen to us, or at least not in our first years of marriage. Life has taken us down some seemingly random roads full of sharp twists and turns, some good and some, well, let's call them character building. Marriage is not what I expected. I expected a long honeymoon stage. I expected us to find great jobs where we got paid a decent amount of money so that we could buy a cute house (one that wasn't a fixer-upper). I expected us to have lots of time to hang out with friends and go on fun trips with other couples, or just the two of us...because we would be able to pick and choose. I expected us to think about having kids when we were 26, which would give us enough time to build a solid foundation and save up some money. I expected us to have enough money to buy nice wines and expensive cheeses which we would consume together all curled up on our fashionable sofa sharing about our days and joking about our co-workers. Sounds a little fairytale-ish? Yup. I have this thing where I get my hopes up and I have all of these high expectations that I put on myself, others, situations, anything really, only to have them all dashed and disappointed. Because who can really live up to all of that? Who really gets that life? I suppose some people do, but they are few and far between. Yes, I think that the one word that I would use to sum-up these five years of marriage would be unexpected. I didn't expect to get pregnant two months after being married. I didn't expect to be a mom at 21. I didn't expect us to go through this many jobs, including two layoff's. I didn't expect us to live in five different places within four years. I didn't expect to have my second child at 24. I didn't expect us to have to find a new church, and essentially a whole new community. When I stop and thing about it I could pretty much say anything that has happened since we've been married was not even close to what I had pictured. This sounds like a real drag doesn't it? I suppose that I could look at it that way (and I have to admit that there are moments when I'm feeling overwhelmed that I do) but I like to think that God has put all of this on our plate because, for some reason, God thinks that we can handle it and He's choosing to build our character. If I had gotten the marriage that I was expecting sure it would have been easy, but it wouldn't have caused me to look deeper into myself to find strength and faith and patience and love. I like to think that I'm much more of the woman and wife that God wants me to be because of all of the craziness that has happened to us.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
ruffle scarf.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
7:00 am.
This morning, however, was not one of those moments. The kids wanted to have a cuddle on the couch before we started our day, something that doesn't happen often enough. Rhys brought over a pencil and piece of paper and started writing out his numbers. Amelia sat looking through her Peter Rabbit books and I sipped my coffee. It was a wonderful moment because I felt as though I was contributing to my kids in a way that making more money never ever could. I was giving them my time, my attention, my cuddles, my counting skills, and they were getting mom all to themselves.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
hello october.
Well, it's October. All of my fretting and complaining didn't make a difference to our ticking clock, it just kept going. We may as well kick off the month on the right note so here's an adorable song for you to listen to. Hope you like it!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
goodbye september.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
prunella and i.
Friday, September 25, 2009
oh, go read a book!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
king of the castle.
I don't really know what I was thinking though, sure it turned out great and he hasn't stopped playing with it all day, but who in their right mind makes their toddler a castle at 7:30 in the morning! Don't do it! It's not a good idea! If you're ever tempted...just don't! Someone slap me. I need to re-think this time management thing. Sure it was a good thought to make the super-cool castle first thing in the morning so that the 'spirited' four-year-old has something to do all day...but one doesn't actually follow through. I couldn't figure the stupid thing out for the life of me and I ask you...WHAT IS THERE TO FIGURE OUT??? It's four walls with some toilet paper rolls stuck on the corners! There. That's it! But no, I was trying to do math and math and I don't get along on the best of days, and then I wanted to make a draw-bridge, and then I thought a little matching village would be fun....well, I simply don't go through enough toilet paper to facilitate the building of a whole village so we just stuck with the castle (and a few trees). Anyways, all my silliness aside, it was actually a fun project and Rhys is really happy that he now has a home for all of the knights that he got for his birthday.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
getting better.
...I think that I'm getting better at time management.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
things i've been able to accomplish while avoiding facebook for the week.
7. Prep the kitchen for James to paint it.
9. Exercise 5 times.
10. Take the kids to play with their cousin's on two occasions.
11. Keep a way tidier house.
12. Successfully take care of three toddlers (meaning that they actually get fed and their bums actually get changed).
13. Overall feel like a better more useful human being.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
a bit of erskine life.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
and now he is 4.
Friday, September 4, 2009
I had a friend come over the other day for a much needed heart-to-heart. I called her the day before to ask her if she could find some time to be with me while I wrestled with a few (many) heavy things. She came over the next morning and I must say that I feel blessed to have her in my life. Friends like her a much needed breath of fresh air. It turns out she had been praying for me and had been led to a specific verse so she decided to share it. The words rang true and ministered to exactly where I found myself at. The verse was Romans 5: 1-5 which says, "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." ...
Hope does not disappoint us. Hope does not disappoint us. That line took my breath away and since that day I've been saying it over and over and over. Truth be told, I noticed my heart begin to change and grasp at this idea of hope before my friend shared this verse with me but when you are faced with the truth of scripture as it directly relates to what you are thinking and feeling in the depths of your, it's like fireworks.
At a time where I should be writing about how the world is against me, I find myself writing about hope. Actually I find myself thinking about it, praying about it, and most of all trying to figure out how to live it. Hope has been swirling around in my mind and heart for a few weeks now and I've been slightly reluctant to open the can of worms.
As many of you know I've been fairly (read: insanely) stressed these past few months, and indeed these past few years. Life, for me, seems to be getting harder and harder and harder. Why has God brought me through this? Why is God allowing this or that or the other thing? I ask myself these questions day in and day out. It's not that my circumstances have become less...bleak (there are still many things that I have no clue what to do with), it's that I've begun to look at them in a different light and put my hope in the Lord and not in man. I'm not sure why God chose these past couple of weeks to perform a heart change in me but I'm glad that he did. I've started seeing God's blessing in my life, I've started seeing his hand at work, I've started running to him when I feel panicked or anxious. Part of this movement was brought on by listening to one of my favorite pastors from a church in the States talk about the book of Ruth. He spoke about God's invisible hand of providence, sanctified suffering, how Ruth was faithful and not foolish, how God is sovereign and good, how Naomi was brutally honest about where she was at, oh, there was so much more. (I suggest you just head on over there and listen to it! I posted a clip from the sermon a few posts back and you can access the whole sermon through that.)
I think that's what I'll leave you will today. I have a lot more to say and hopefully I was able to formulate my thoughts enough to convey where my heart is at. I honestly feel so strange for feeling all of this. It is against all odds (or at least it feels like it) that at the end of each day my heart has stayed intact and that my hope is in the hands of the Lord, and that, my friends, is because God wants to help, and He can, so He does.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
rhys' vlog - pasta restaurant.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
rhys' vlog.
Friday, August 21, 2009
random bria - magnificent blue.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the prairies. They are unbelievably majestic in their own right, but the ocean has a hold on me in a way that the prairies never will. I find myself longing to see it, to dangle my feet in it, to hear the roar of the crashing waves.
The ocean became a spiritual place for me when I was in Australia. My good friend Jen and I decided to take a boat tour out to see the reef (cuz who goes all the way to Australia and misses that!?). What some people may not know is that the reef is about, depending where you were docked, a good hour out into open water...there is NOTHING around, save for a few other boats with tourists. You can either go scuba diving or you can snorkel, and we choose to snorkel. I can't think of anything that could top the thrill of diving into open ocean, the possibility of nearby sharks (and that wasn't an assumption, they told us there were sharks), not being able to see the bottom, and swimming for my life just to get on top of the reef. It was crazy. My friend took in a huge gulp of salt water and spent the rest of the time sick on the boat, so that left me to fend for myself. I paid a lot of money to get out there and for all I knew it might be my last chance to see the reef, I didn't want to waste it. So on our second dive I went in by myself, scooted over to the reef and began taking in the sea turtles, the coral and all the little fish. What truly hit me out there in the open water was the vastness of it all, the beauty of it all, the depth of it all and the wildness of it all. We can never measure the ocean (we are still discovering new pockets and new species) and we can never tame the ocean. It is big and fierce. And what I couldn't get out of my mind was how much bigger and how much deeper is God and his love for us.
When I was in Mexico with Rhys and Amelia I tried to spend as much time as possible by the ocean. Rhys hated it and Ammie was too young to take her in, but I stole away and had little moments by it and all of the same feelings about God came flooding back. Maybe that's why I'm longing for the ocean, I've had a few special encounters with God and adventure by it and maybe I'm feeling like I need some more. That's probably it, now that I've written all of this down (again, writing helps me process), but I do love the ocean. I hope and pray that I will have many more opportunities to look out onto the magnificent blue waters and contemplate it's wildness and beauty.

(photo taken by a friend, sarah jenkins.)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
redeeming ruth.
I really enjoyed watching this clip and listening to the scripture. It's an intro video to a sermon series called 'Redeeming Ruth'. I haven't watched the sermons yet, but I'm going to skip over there right now and start.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
i have no idea what to call this.
I remember hearing a woman talk about entering into motherhood in regards to packing for a trip, or something to that effect. You leave certain things behind, you pack what you want to bring along for your journey for later, and you wear an outfit during your travels. She said that motherhood was similar in that you just need to leave certain things about yourself behind, things that were maybe not that important to you. You also need to pack things that are meaningful that you might want to continue later on, when baby grows up. And finally, there are certain things that make you YOU, so one needs to wear those regardless of becoming a mother or not. This analogy resonated with me and pulled at one of my heart strings, I just wish that I had heard it before I became a mother. I would have given more time and thought to what I believed made me special and unique, what I just liked to do, and what I could live without. I guess where I'm going with this is that I feel all muddled inside, like I'm holding onto things that I just kinda liked and I let-slip the things that really made me Bria.
I used to paint all of the time, it was one of the major ways that I expressed myself and I've lost that. I realize that I don't have the same amount of time to dedicate to painting that I used to, but when I do sit down with my brushes there's just nothing there. I've lost my inspiration and drive and I feel like I've lost a part of me. Theater was also a huge passion of mine and I haven't done anything theater-ish in years...years.
Everyone inevitably says, "oh, just wait until the kids get bigger, then you'll have the time to do what you want" but in the meantime I just sit around feeling as though there are these huge holes in my character. I feel like I'm not fully Bria, but maybe I'm no longer good at those things that made me Bria and if I'm not then I've lost part of me, and then what makes me me in place of those things? That was a horribly confusing sentence and it's left me even more confused. Hm.
Friday, August 7, 2009
peanut and butter.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
wide open spaces {or: i love target}
Thursday, July 30, 2009
random bria - three things.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
time to myself.
Anyways, James and I were able to go out for dinner, ice cream and a late movie which helped me to feel semi-normal again. Yesterday I was able to fully follow my own schedule and did whatever my little heart desired, which didn't include washing the dishes. Bliss. Today I went to the dentist and then to my hairdresser to get a much needed haircut. I feel new again. The cherry on top will come Friday evening when my mom is treating me to some time away from the kids, the husband, and the house. We are getting in her car and driving down to Grand Forks for the long weekend to do some shopping, eating, golfing and a bit more shopping. I'm so excited I can hardly bear it. (You know you need a break when Grand Forks and golfing is making you hyperventilate! Seriously.) Life has been so stressful and hectic these past few months that I'm looking forward to getting away (even if it is only a 3 hour drive) and just being me for a little while. I find that it's so easy to loose myself in the hub-bub of everyday life, especially when there are little people that need you non-stop. It will also be nice to have a conversation with my mom without being interrupted 109 times! Ha.
(and yes, it is a vanity shot but I'm sure you can deal with it. wink.)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
ammie screams for ice cream!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
in a miniature world.